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Hello! We are a group of volunteers who clean a stretch of the Grand Canal once a month. We meet on the first Saturday of each month. We cover the stretch between Portobello Harbour and Percy Place, or a little further in either direction if we can. Our next clean-up? Saturday, 1st June @ 10 am. We meet on Wilton Terrace, at the fourth bench from the Leeson Street Bridge. We provide gloves, pickers and bags, so all you need to do is bring your energy and dress for the weather.
Everyone is welcome.
Thank you to those who support what we do:
Equipment donation: Dublin City Council & Waterways Ireland
Waste Collection: Dublin City Council
Coffee: Starbucks Leeson Street
Not near you? That's ok; we're not the only group.
Royal Canal Clean-Up Group
Grand Canal Dock Community Clean-Up
Dolphin's Barn Canal Biodiversity & Clean-Up Group
Inchicore Environmental Group
Tidy Drimnagh
Or if you are particularly interested in biodiversity:
Grand Canal Biodiversity
or if you have an enquiry you can contact us at
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